I wish I could say I was wearing this for Halloween.
If you can’t see the video click here please.
It’s amazing what you’ll do for children. {I may actually have had a little bit of fun wearing this… ahem… just a little ;-)).
Please be gentle with me in the comment section. 😉
My step-daughter and I really did have so much fun wearing our tutus, and I’m thankful to Marie of Bakerosity, for the gift of our beautiful custom-made tutus (She made them in the Sweetopia colours – how sweet of her!).
Of course I had to make some tutu ballet cookies.
Fitting my hobby (obsession?) of decorating cookies or other sweets in amongst life can be a challenge. I get asked on a regular basis how I manage to fit them in while working full-time, making time for family and other commitments.
In order to balance it all, I’ve had to figure out a stress-free way of getting them done – after all, I still want to enjoy the experience! I’ve shared two cookie decorating schedules I use here, and free printables to go along with them for you. Thanks to my web designer Arthur for making them!
Now I just have to figure out how to get more blog posts up besides just making the cookies.
Here’s my plan for making cookies and decorating them:
{Free Printable} Cookie Making Schedule
6 Day Cookie Decorating Schedule
{Click here for a printable version}
I prefer making my cookies according to the schedule above, however sometimes I do need to make them in a shorter period of time.
3 Day Cookie Decorating Schedule
{Click here for a printable version}
These tutu cookies are fairly simple designs, so I didn’t need much time to decorate them. You could definitely finish these on a 3-day schedule.
I hope you have as much fun as I did making them too. Oh, and the bow on the cookie b.t.w., is a pre-made fabric bow from Michael’s Craft store. I got the idea of using them from this sweet cookie book, The Flour Pot Cookie Book. The ribbons are just barely iced so that they’re easy to remove.
If you have any questions or comments please feel free to drop me a line in the comment section below, on Facebook or twitter.
Happy decorating!
*Huge thanks to Niner of We Choose Organic for editing the photos for me!
** The tutu cookie cutter is from ecrandal.com
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Hi Marian,
Thank you so much for your wonderful blog!! I have a question. I know you’ve said how long cookies can keep for, but I’m wondering how long they are ok sitting out on the counter? I made my cookies Fri and put the 1st layer, and let them sit overnight. Then Saturday I put the 2nd layer and left them out all day. Saturday night I put them in a plastic container. But I still had more decorating to do. So I took them out today (Monday) and finished them, and am leaving them out overnight because I’m worried that the icing won’t dry all the way. But on the other hand, I’m worried they’ll get stale. What’s the longest I can leave them out? Would 3 days total be horrible? :-/
Thank you!
Hi Heather,
That’s fine.
Have fun decorating!
Hi there! I’m not a cookie maker (unless for home eating!) and I was thinking of trying cookies rather than cupcakes for this Valentine’s. However, my cookies don’tlast for long, only for about 4-5 days. How does it works to make them to last longer in order to have such schedule + consumption period? Many thanks, Sandra.
Boa tarde, em primeiro lugar parabéns pelo seu trabalho, me apaixono a cada dia mais.
Tenho uma duvida, meu glace real quando seca na cobertura do cookies ele fica fosco, os seus parecem brilhantes.
Como posso melhorar o visual dos meus cookies.
Hello! I love your website and your baking schedule is great!
In your 3 day schedule, you bake your cookies Day 1 then decorate them Day 2. From day 1 till day 2, how do you store the cookies? Can they be left on a tray with no cover ? Or should they be placed in bags?
Thank you :)!
can i do the 1st decoration the same day i bake the cookies? its just that im a bit short on time and i have to flood it then draw o the cookie and then do another drawing on top!!! im going crazy! please help
Do you ever freeze baked sugar cookies before you decorate them?
Hi Linda,
I do freeze them… here is a post on thawing cookies etc.:
Is there anyway I can make the dough in advance and and freeze for a few day and them put them in the fridge to come to fridge temp before I cut and bake them?
I’m in complete and utter awe of how gorgeous, whimsical, delicious-looking, perfect, fun, and hands down awesome your cookies look! Complete awe I tell you. And it isn’t the first time I’ve visited your site. You keep getting even better with every visit – how is that possible?
Btw. Tutus look super cute on both of you!
You are a lifesaver thankyou sooo much for posting your cookie baking schedule. It helps me alot! Im just starting this whole cookie business n theres seriously alot of questions in my head that i need to ask but your blog helps me alot!! Seriously major thankyou ❤️
Sincerely, strugglin first-time baker from malaysia
Im giving u my insta, just incase u want to see any update whether i survive in this cookie world or not
Can you store the colored icing in the piping bags 1 day before you decorate your cookies?
Hello. I’m not sure if this is the correct comment section but I have a question on icing. I use your cookie recipe and royal icing recipe. Love them! I had a recent issue with my icing rippling or buckling when I was flooding. The weather was 70s sunny not humid. The house is air conditioned and it was running. I used the same royal icing batch on other cookies without an issue. I’m not sure if it was the color – americolor soft gel I used just about the whole bottle to get the navy blue color I wanted. I emailed them and waiting for a reply. Wasn’t sure if you have experienced this before and if you have any suggestions. I am usually using Wilton gel color but they didn’t have the color I was looking for. Thank you for your time
Hi I have a quick question about storing Royal Iced sugar cookies. alot of my friends order a order a dozen and they don’t want them individually wrapped. can I let the cookies sit out for 3 to 4 days without putting them in a cellophane bag?
I would like to know, after you decorate the cookies, how do you store them if you’re not going to be giving them out for a couple of days? Thank you!
Hi Nora,
I mention what I do in this post. All the best! xo
I’m sorry Nora, I forgot the link in the last comment, lol!
Here it is:
Your cookies are beautiful. How many cookies can you make and decorate in your 6 day schedule?
Thanks! A lighter load would be about 30, but you could do double!