When Kim at The TomKat Studio gave me the cookie theme of the month for her HGTV shoot, daisies, these were my first choice; easy to make, fun to eat & perfect for spring! (Although I made them and the video at the end of February! … You’ll see. Please be kind I’m still getting used to making videos! Lol).
The video below shows how to make them step-by-step and for those of you who prefer photos, scroll down a bit further. The pictorial for the second kind of daisy cookies featured in the video is coming soon!
If you can’t see the video CLICK HERE.
How to Make Daisy Cookie Pops
If you’d like to try making these, you’ll need:
- Sugar Cookie Dough Recipe (or cookie recipe of your choice)
- Rolling Pin
- Parchment Paper & Baking Sheets
- Daisy Cookie Cutter
- 8 inch Lollipop Sticks
- Royal Icing Recipe and Americolor food gel coloring (yellow & white)
- Piping Bags & Couplers
- Piping Tip (#2 or #3)
- White Sanding Sugar
Making the Cookie Pops:
1. Once you’ve made the dough, roll it out between two sheets of parchment paper and then leave it in the fridge to rest for approximately one hour. I rolled my dough about 1cm or 3/4 of an inch thick.
2. Now you’re ready to cut the cookie shapes out of the dough and stagger them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
You’ll need to place them apart so that there’s room for the cookie stick.
3. Making sure your dough is soft (room temperature), insert the lollipop stick into the dough, about one to two-thirds of the way through. If your cookie cracks a little, use your fingers to gently press the dough back into place.
If you’ve got a larger cookie, such as the mask below, you may need to fortify the back of the stick with an extra bit of dough. Add a small piece of raw dough to the back and it will adhere during the baking process.
4. In order for the cookies to hold their shape better when baked, chill the unbaked cookies in the fridge or even freezer for at least an hour.
5. Bake for 10 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit or until the edges are slightly golden in color and the middle of the cookie no longer looks wet.
6. Prepare and colour your royal icing. The thickness of the icing is important if you’d like to use the same icing to outline and fill in your petals. Please see this video if you’d like more information on icing consistency.
7. Using a number #2 to#3 piping tip, outline the petals of the daisy by following the shape of the cookie. Fill them in right away. You may need to shake the cookie gently to help the icing smooth over.
8. Let your base dry for at least a few hours (the more humidity, the longer you need to let the icing dry), and then add yellow center.
9. While the yellow icing is wet, sprinkle sanding sugar over it and gently shake off the excess.
10. Let the centers dry and finish off your cookie pop with ribbon of your choice.
Hopefully this ‘how-to’ has been helpful for you! I’d love to hear your feedback, comments, tips and tricks, if you’d like to drop me a line in the comment section below, on twitter, or my facebook page here.
p.s. More cookie pop ideas… Made these for Bakerella when she came to Toronto this past December (chocolate sugar cookie recipe will come (for those of you who emailed), promise! Still tweaking it a bit.
Perfect for masquerade mask cookies:
and these lollipop cookies I made a few years ago:
p.s.s. Plain ‘ole daisy cookie are sweet & easy to make too:
p.s.s.s. Update – The video for the round daisy cookies can be found here.
Hi there!
I’m wanting to make some cookie pops as favours for my little ones birthday this week, but was wanting to know if ‘cake pop’ sticks are ok to use in the oven??
Also, I’ve made fondant toppers to go on them- do you know if ‘simple syrup’ is ok to use to stick them on??
Thanks so much in advance & I love your work!!! 😀 xx
You’re a genius and you’re work is phenomenal. Thanks for sharing your blessings and talents with the world.
Hi Marian,
How on earth did you make those colorful swirled lollipop cookies?? They are amazing! I would love to know how you did the royal icing so perfectly. I am planning on making similar cookies next week and it would be so helpful if you could give me a few tips. Thanks so much!
Felicitaciones!!!!!!! Soy fanática para hacer galletas,muy hermosas las decoraciones.Estoy comenzando un emprendimiento de productos libre de azucar ( elaborados con Stevia).Este endulzante es bien complicado de trabajar sin embargo es lo mas parecido al azucar.Me gustaria saber si tienes recetas con STEVIA que puedas compartir conmigo.
Estaria muy agradecida.
Saludos cordiales
your website is great:):)
may I ask one question please.
what is the material of the stick – it looks plastic – wouldn’t that melt in the oven and perhaps be health hazardous?
I generally try to find wooden ones but they are not easy as the plastic ones to find.
then there are the paper ones but I suppose these would burn